Dons urged to take care of their families

By Enock Okong’o

University professors and lecturers have been advised to climb down their ivory towers and organize their daily lives beyond just scholarly ventures.

Speaking at Nyamache Village in Kisii County, the secretary of Abagusii Cultural and Development Council Secretary Mr. Bosire Angwenyi said that most professors concentrated in their scholarly work until they forget to either marry or get proper upbringing to their families.

“I do not hate big education but only reminding our elites to balance between it and their families,” Bosire said.

The secretary said that in the African setting, family held a central place and stressed that there was no way it could be neglected.

He was arbitrating a disagreement among family members of the late Professor Laban Gwako – Professor of Anthropology and Sociology who died in the US – whose body was flown into Kenya and preserved at Lee Funeral Home for further burial arrangements. The burial was postponed through a court order from Ogembo Law Courts.

The Resident Magistrate of the court Mrs. Glory Barasa ordered DNA samples from the body to establish if the departed sired Gwako Dalvin Nyaboke, who claims to be his daughter. Nyaboke had moved to court to claim her birth right from the late Professor’s family.

She accused other family members of sidelining her from the burial arrangements of her father who she said, recognized her when he was alive.

Mrs. Nyaboke who is a teacher at Kereri Girls’ High School claimed that the late Professor sired her with her late mother before he moved to America.

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