Deputy principals complain about poor treatment in KESSHA meetings

A section of KESSHA members from Kitutu Central Sub branch during their 2024 Annual Conference on March 1, 2024.

By Our Reporter

Deputy Principals in Nyanza have complained about unfair treatment in the ongoing annual meetings of Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA).

One Deputy Principal who did not want to be named said that Principals chose venues of the meetings far away from their regions to enable them withdraw more allowances from school accounts.


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“They use a lot of money to go outside their sub-counties and camp there but when it is to our turn they restrict us to meet in the hotels within our sub-counties. We are also given little money for expenses,” he said. The deputies also accuse their seniors of manipulation and exploitation leading to demoralization.


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Now, Principals from Suba East Sub- county are camping in Kisumu for their Annual retreat and those from Masaba North are in Eldoret town. Those from Kenyenya Sub- county led by their chairman David Osoro and his deputy Babylon Omayio of Moteiribe and Maiga secondary schools respectively are meeting in Machakos County.

During their annual retreats, the Principals who are the chief executives of their institutions reflect and share managerial skills among themselves and deliberate on the best ways forward and at the same time conduct their elections through either affirmative action or secret ballot.

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