Delocalized teachers seeking transfers following threats, assault from students, locals


By Vostine Ratemo

Non-local teachers in West Pokot County are now seeking transfers after some of their colleagues have reported being attacked, threatened and harassed by both the students and parents in the last few months.

The principal of Safina Boys Secondary school, Mr. Paul Boiyo Chemabus, Kerenger Secondary School Principal, Mr. Simon Mutambo and Benjamin Bii, the head teacher of Kamotin Primary School are among confirmed victims who have endured the wrath of the students in a span of one month.

The troubled teachers now instigate that the attacks are part of a scheme by parents and local teachers to drive the non-local teachers in bid to secure the positions for West Pokot natives.

The county Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Director, Bernard Kimachasi, has confirmed the cases.

“It is unfortunate. We don’t want the local community to interfere with institutions or treat teachers as local or non- locals because they are professionals who offer teaching services only. They come and go. There is no difference whether or not the learners are taught by a white man or Kenyan,” he said.

At the same time, West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin condemned those ganging up against non- local teachers, saying they have a right to work in any place within Kenya.

“I was a teacher for many years, and all have a right to teach anywhere. We need teachers from all over Kenya. The Constitution is clear that people can stay and work anywhere in Kenya. Those looking at the teaching profession with a tribal lens are primitive and backward,” said the governor.




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