Degree requirement for politicians attract mixed reactions

By Amoto Ndiewo

The degree requirement by independent electoral and boundary commission (IEBC) for those seeking political offices in 2022 general elections has elicited mixed reaction from leaders in Tana River and Garissa Counties.

Previously, only the president, governor and their deputies were required to be holders of at least bachelor’s degree.

According to Aden Duale Garissa Township MP and a master’s degree holder, the requirement is bound to bar many people with inborn leadership skills from office.

‘’As much as degrees are important it is not the only  bar to measure leadership ability , the rule will only favour few individuals , and end up locking out the majority who don’t own degrees but have unequivocal capacity to lead,’’  former national assembly  majority leader said .

‘’I don’t think out of Kenya’s total population  of about 48million degree holders  make 5% , and that makes leadership a platter for  the chosen few ’’  said  the former Moi university alumina .

It is estimated that about 50% of elected leaders in Kenya are without degrees.

Duale said the current legislators will annul the IEBC proposed law for fairness to prevail in contesting elective posts.

His Tana River counterpart Mohamed Abdimukuba who is aspiring for Sala Ward said the government should take talented people equal to opportunities in leadership.

‘’Degree is a crucial thing but sometimes it denies people with natural inborn leadership abilities a fair shot at elective posts,’’ said Abdimukuba.

Both leaders called the degree requirement uncalled for, saying leadership is Allah given.

However, Abdi Gargamso Madogo MCA supported the degree law requirement, saying all elected leaders must be highly educated.

He argued that governance is fast changing; therefore, people only need the knowledgeable to run for elective political office.

 ‘’ For example, BBI has a package for ward development funds, this only needs leaders with expertise to appropriately manage the operations,’’ he said.

The same views were supported by Mohamed Rage an aspirant for Saka ward in Garissa County.

Whichever, side one takes but the degree requirement is going to create a mad rush for them and all aspirants are going to use hook or crook to earn degrees, just order to qualify. 

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