KUSO asks President Ruto to add Dedan Kimathi University students KSh2.9 million

KUSO President Antony Manyara.

Kenya Universities Students Organisation (KUSO) has now asked President William Ruto to add KSh2, 928,012 to Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) students so that each student can get KSh527 instead of KSh180.

In a letter addressed to Dr Ruto dated April 11, 2024 and signed by the Organization President Antony Manyara on behalf of DEKUT students, KUSO states a sum of KSh527 will go a long way in cushioning students in light of the hard economic conditions.

“In light of the prevailing economic conditions, KUSO humbly pleads with you, to consider augmenting the initial donation, thereby elevating the stipend from the sum of KSh180 to a more justifiable amount, preferably KSh527. With a total of 5,556 recipients, the aggregate amount required to fulfill this appeal should you graciously accede, settles at KSh2, 928,012 only,” said Manyara in the letter.

Manyara thanked the President for his kind gesture of gifting DeKUT students something for ‘cabbage’ and the democracy shown by the University in distributing the amount equally among the students.


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“Embracing democratic principles in both theory and application, KUSO lauds the management of DeKUT for their commendable administration of the President’s gift. Their adherence to principles of inclusivity-public participation approach ensured that all students get a share regardless of their height, skin tone, weight or material status,” added Manyara in the letter.

On April 9, 2024 the University released a memo announcing that each student will get KSh180 from the KSh1 million donation made by Ruto when he toured the University.

Dedan Kimathi University.

Through the University’s Director of Students’ Welfare (DSW) Dr Esther Nthiga, the amount was arrived at after the University carried out a public participation among where students were given three options to choose; organise a luncheon, share the money equally among students or allocate the money to the students’ bursary.

Majority opted for the amount to be shared equally.

The university is a Chartered Public University that has two campuses, the Main Campus in Nyeri and the Nairobi Campus.

It was awarded charter on December 14, 2012 by the late President Mwai kibaki.

By Hezron Roy and Brian Ndigo

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