CS urges youth to embrace online studies

Online studies

 The Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection, Florence Bore has urged young people to enroll for online studies in order to improve their job prospects.

Bore said it is not a must that one should attend courses physically, pointing out that online studies are more convenient and even cheaper.

Bore was speaking in Kisumu during the commemoration of the World Safety at Work Place and Health.

She said Kenyans should also study more than three languages in order to boost their chance of working abroad.

“You should study German, French, Japanese and even Italian” she said, adding that there are over seven million jobs abroad which Kenyans can hunt for.

The CS said the world remembers those who have lost their lives or sustained injuries at work as well as those who are suffering from occupational diseases.

“In Kenya, we solemnly remember 177 workers who passed on and 4,398 workers who suffered injuries while at work,” she said.

Among the workers that sustained injuries, she said, are those that were maimed for life and others incapacitated for some time.

“We cannot fail to acknowledge the 741 workers who were reported to have sustained occupational diseases. All these happened last year,” she added.

Bore said Kenya is a member state of the International Labour Organization (ILO) which has taken a good step in declaring Safety and Health at Work a fundamental right.

She said through her Ministry’s partnership with ILO, they have embraced the adoption of occupational safety and health as a fundamental principle and right at work.

Bore said the adoption also resonates well into the Government’s “Bottom Up” development strategy because workers in the Medium and Small enterprises (MSE) have an opportunity to enjoy this right.

By Fredrick Odiero

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