CS Magoha asked to relook into form one selection procedure

By Tony Wafula

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has been asked to relook into form one selection that was done using computer generated lists (Nemis).

The Bungoma County Kuppet Chairman David Barasa said many students from Bungoma County who performed above average were selected to join secondary schools to far flung counties.

He said that exposed them to Covid-19 and other risks when they travel along the way when they can just join schools in Bungoma.

“Computer generated lists are good but at some point it has its demerits because students should not be taken far away from their homes to mere extra county schools when they can join our own school here,” said Barasa.

He added that head teachers are facing challenges as some schools have already received many students.

Barasa dismissed CS Magoha’s reasons for banning of the public from using school buses adding that in most cases buses are the community projects.

“Most of the school buses are projects initiated by the community. I don’t see any reason to stop them from using,” he said.

Barasa added that some buses were taken on loans and they should be used in running community errands to help in the payment of outstanding loans balances.

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