CS Ababu donates KSh100,000 to student who won race running barefoot

Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba rewards Mercy Chepng'eno.

Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba recently rewarded Mercy Chepngeno, a 17-year-old  Form One student at Lesirwo Secondary School in Kipkelion West, Kericho County, who won a race running barefoot.

Chepngeno dazzled at the Rift Valley Secondary School Sports Association games in Kipchoge Keino, last week, when she triumphed in the girls’ 3000m steeplechase race.

Mercy Chepngeno, a student at Lesirwo Secondary finishes 3000m steeplechase.

After her victory she became darling of many including Sports Secretary Ababu who toured her parent’s home and rewarded her.

Ababu gifted her a personal donation of KSh100,000 to support her education and a complete Team Kenya uniform.


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“Mercy Chepngeno, a Form One student at Lesirwo Secondary in Kipkelion West Kericho County, caught my eye as she blitzed her way to victory in the 3000m steeplechase, running barefoot during the Rift Valley Secondary School Sports Association games at Kipchoge Keino Stadium in Nandi County,” CS wrote on his X handle formerly Twitter.

Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba shares a light moment with Mercy Chepng’eno

He added, “I have visited Lesirwo Secondary School to congratulate and support Mercy, her family, community and school. I have extended the same to Mercy’s three schoolmates, Vicody Chepkirui, Mirriam Chepngetich and Gideon Kipngeno Kirui, who also participated in the regional championship. All four have received full athletics kit and financial support towards their school fees.”

The CS also stated that the training camp will be established in the region.

“Last year, I instructed @athletics Kenya to initiate school-based athletics training camps to help tap and nurture grassroots talents countrywide, bottom-up. We have opened 45 camps countrywide and will add Lesirwo Secondary School as the 46th Camp.”

Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba with students.

“I instructed further that three of the camps be dedicated to 3000m steeplechase training to regain Kenya’s traditional dominance in this particular race, which has faded in the recent past.

It is instructive to note that Lesirwo also provided the foundation for Kenya’s current hottest 3000m steeplechase female prospect, Faith Cherotich who, aged just 19, won bronze at the World Athletics Championships in Budapest, Hungary last summer,” the statement added.

By our reporter

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