Crisis at Meru varsity over unending feuds

By John Majau

The crisis looming at the Meru University of Science and Technology between the management and students council is not yet over with learning having been affected adversely for almost a whole academic year.
The management is accusing the student leadership of hooliganism and being compromised by the political class, while the students blame the administration of mismanagement of finances, hiking fees and mistreating students who are opposed to the vice.
The crunch at the university has attracted the attention of former Education Assistant Minister and presidency adviser on education, Dr Kilemi Mwiria who hails from Tigania West Constituency where the university is located and several other political and community leaders.
Dr Mwiria attributed the university wrangles to local politics.
He said since the time he was the MP, he was of the opinion that the university VC be a non-Meru in order to avoid being influenced by the community and regional politics which is highly viewed to be undermining the education standards in most universities.
He said nepotism and clannism in the hiring of the staff at the university has also highly affected the university management, leading to misuse of resources channeled to the institution by the Government.
Dr Kilemi observed that for development to be realized, the Vice Chancellor Prof Japheth Magambo should exit.
“I personally do not think Prof Magambo is the one to lead this institution to greatness. Under him the institution is more likely to die a slow death. Why for example start campuses all over the place before consolidating what we have? I often get asked why the university cannot use 500 of the more than 600 acres to farm. This would generate more than enough revenue for developing infrastructure and subsidizing student fees. The problem is one of a lack of dynamism in the leadership,” said Dr Kilemi.
He said there was a group that is defending the current management at the university, which also saw the resignation of the former VC Prof Kaaria Atumo.
“Those defending current leadership because he is one of their own cannot be said to care about Meru youth and generations to come,” Dr Kilemi added.
Dr Kilemi added that reports from the Auditor General paint a bad picture on the use of public resources at this university.
Area MP John Mutunga said the poor working relationship between the VC, the community and other stakeholders had undermined the university status.
“The issues raised by the students seems to be genuine but the university has refused to dialogue and when students request for dialogue the management always calls the police something that is also affecting the community because police are following students in their residence which are outside the varsity affecting residents business,” Mutunga said
“Personally I view the management style has failed and intimidation will not work,” he added
However, sources at the university blamed the clan politics and the politicians from the region for compromising the student’s leaders so that they can revolt against the leadership of Prof Magambo who is seen as an outsider by Tigania politicians.
Magambo is from Imenti sub tribe.
A WhatsApp group “Operation Magambo Out” has been formed with a membership of students and politicians.
The VC said that a political group from the region wants him out and it’s using students’ leadership to taint his name.
“The current situation at the university is because of bad politics. Look keenly at all the allegations and analyze the statements by the politicians, which are circulating in WhatsApp groups like “operation Magambo Out”. They are using the poor student leadership to have a repeat of what happened in July, 2014 when they burnt the school,” said Prof Magambo.
The VC exonerated himself from alleged misappropriation of Sh41 million meant for a playground.
“If you come in my office I can show you all the details over the playground. The rehabilitation of the ground is still on and the procurement process is ongoing,” he said.
Prof Magambo regretted that innocent students were missing classes due to selfish politicians who have compromised the student council by raising unfounded issues to undermine the university administration.
The Secretary General of the students’ council Evans Njoroge vowed to continue pushing for justice.
“We will continue with our push for justice. This is our fifth strike in one semester. We ask the ministry to look into the fee issue. While other universities charge Sh33, 000 in an academic year, we are required to pay more than Sh50, 000,” said Njoroge.

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