Crackdown to weed out sex pests

By Dennis Bett

An Education officer in Elgeyo Marakwet County has fired a warning shot on sex pests who prey on young school girls and impregnate them.
The county Education Director Joseph Wamocho said that those found guilt will face the full force of the law, adding there has been steady rise of school girls becoming pregnant in the region.
Speaking to Education News recently in his Iten office, Wamwocho said that the Government will ensure those found culpable will be arrested and prosecuted to tame the vice.
Wamocho said the situation was worrying urging school heads to improve on girls counseling and liaise with his office in fighting the menace.
“We want to end this once and for all. Parents have a big role to play in talking to their children on importance of embracing education and discipline especially during holidays,” said the county education boss.
“Ministry of Education inspectors have begun touring schools to assess the situation and record how managements are handling the issue, we will issue a comprehensive statement soon and give a way forward,” said Wamocho.

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