Court reinstates Kennedy Mulunda as TSC Deputy Commission Secretary

By Roy Hezron

The embattled Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Kennedy Mulunda has been reinstated as Deputy Commission Secretary by the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC).

Hon. Lady Justice Monica Wanjiru Mbaru of ELRC ruled yesterday, November 30, 2022, that Dr. Mulunda should report back to duty from today December 1, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. for deployment.

“The petitioner is hereby reinstated back to his position as Deputy Commission Secretary with the 2nd respondent without loss of salary, benefits or work entitlements. The petitioner shall report on duty from December 1, 2022 at 8AM for deployment,” ruled Lady Justice Mbaru.

Dr. Mulunda was fired by the Commission through a letter  dated June 20, 2022 and signed by the Commission Secretary and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Nancy Macharia, who is in-charge of the secretariat staff.

He was sacked over claims of soliciting for tenders from principals, corruption and abuse of office by a team of commissioners who probed the matter through a disciplinary committee in January this year.

Dr. Macharia, in the termination letter, said she was acting under instructions from the commissioners after investigations from principals found overwhelming evidence against Dr Mulunda.

“Pursuant to the provisions of clause 10 of your employment contract, the commission has made a decision to terminate your employment contract with effect from June 20, 2022,” reads the letter in part by Dr. Macharia.

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