Court orders DNA test for man accused of defiling sick Form Three girl

girl mentally Form stabbed death

By John Majau

A Tigania court has ordered a man accused of defiling and impregnating a 16-year-old school girl to undergo a DNA test to ascertain paternity.

Principal Magistrate Paul Wechuli directed Godfrey Bundi, a resident of Kamaroo village, Nkomo location in Tigania West to take the test as part of the prosecution’s evidence.

The magistrate agreed with Principal Prosecution Counsel Celestine Matere that the child who is now two months old, had not been born when the accused was arrested in July.

Magistrate Wechuli directed the officer commanding Nchiru Police Station to escort Bundi to Kenyatta National Hospital for the tests.

The Form Three student testified how in December 2021, Bundi stormed their home and defiled her as she lay in bed while recuperating from an illness.

She told the court that Bundi covered her mouth with one hand while menacingly holding a knife with the other and warned her not to scream.

“I was afraid of him because he held a knife at me during the ordeal. He also walks around with two dogs and a panga,” she told the court.

The suspect then forcefully defiled her without protection and when through, took off leaving the her sick and shaken.

The girl kept the incident to herself until May, 2022 when she felt sick and after tests, her parents learnt that she was pregnant.

Her mother narrated how shocked she was as her daughter recounted the incident.

They later reported the matter to the police and were issued with a P3 form and carried another pregnancy test at Miathene Hospital where the results came out positive.

After police conducted their investigations, the accused was arrested on July 21, 2022 and later charged with defilement.

It is after the two testified that Counsel Matere applied for the DNA test against Mr. Bundi.

The hearing of the case is set to continue after the test.

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