County TSC senior official calls for punctuality during national examinations

By Lydia Ngoolo 

Makueni County Deputy Director for Teachers Service Commission (TSC) David Gutu has called upon center managers, invigilators and supervisors to strictly keep time during exam period.

The TSC official also urged those involved with the examinations to embrace brotherhood by identifying two or three center managers who will act like a brother in case of any emergency.

“Practice punctuality, we will strictly deal with you if you come late and you have not communicated to us to plan otherwise,” said Gutu.

On frisking of candidates he noted that it should be done by the same gender to avoid breach of privacy. He added that many students hide cheating materials in areas which cannot be easily accessed.

“Invigilators, kindly make sure even if they miraculously escape being seen, they don’t use them in exam room. Many hide the materials ‘there’ but be alert always not to give them a chance to cheat. I call upon all candidates not to dare spoil what they have worked for, for years in one single day since you will be disqualified,” Gutu added.

He was speaking during a meeting with multi agency team at Makueni Boys High School during the national examination briefing. He urged supervisors and invigilators to be very vigilant on any irregularities adding that those caught will face the full force of law.

“Supervisors make sure that you monitor the invigilators do their work accordingly. They should not just sit but walk around as well as monitoring from strategic points,” said Gutu.

He warned some principals to stop viewing learners as lovers adding that last year they interdicted a principal who was involved in malice during exam time. The officer congratulated the security officers for swift action of nabbing the teacher.

Sub-county Director of Education Oduso Magara noted that girl’s enrollment has gone down encouraging them to resume studies even if they have become young mothers.

“Just go and get your certificate which will help you in future. Without proper documents you might fail to achieve your goals,” he added.

This year there are 4,448 candidates and in 2020 there were 4,413 candidates with increase of 35 candidates. There are 2,275 boys and 2173 girls seating for KCPE. Apparently, there are 3,596 candidates with 1,856 being boys and 1,740 girls seating for KCSE.

Makueni sub county Deputy county commissioner Joel Mwongela warned that all exams from the streets are scam and let no one be cheated since the seller and buyer will face the same fate. He called for tolerance from each other for successful exam period.

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