County partners with organization to sponsor 80 students pursue agricultural courses


Kenya Livestock Commercialization Project (KeLCoP) has partnered with Baringo County Government to offer at least 80 scholarships to students from four wards in the county to train on courses related to Agriculture, Livestock and fisheries.

The KeLCoP project intends to train 20 students each from Loyamorok, Marigat, Kabartonjo and Kisanana wards in the county.

Speaking during an exclusive interview with Education News, Kabartonjo Ward Member of county Assembly, Symon Kiplagat urged youth to apply and gain skills from the lifetime chance.

He said youth training on courses related to the quarter would allow his region bridge deficit of inadequate staff working in Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

Kiplagat lauded KeLCoP for identifying his Ward to benefit from the pilot project saying it came at the right time when youth in the area needed such opportunities after completing their secondary education.

He said the two-year scholarship program would provide two-year contract to the beneficiaries after their study.

The ward representative asked local leadership to support all efforts geared in transforming, activating and making it thrive.

He added that Baringo County government and assembly have already allocated bursaries for students studying in secondary schools, Tertiary Institutions and universities.

He challenged National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) , non state actors and financial institutions in the area to rally funding to aid education sector.

KeLCoP project is among Government’s blue prints aimed at contributing to the government’s agriculture transformation agenda of increasing rural small-scale farmers income, food and nutrition security through providence of extension services.

By Alfred Kimosop

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