County gov’t to implement new SoS for ECDE teachers by end of July

By Denis Lumiti 

Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya has promised that his administration will implement the new Scheme of Service (SoS) for Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers from the end of this month.

“Teachers who are below 45 years old will be employed on permanent and pensionable terms while those above that age will remain on contractual terms,” he said.

The governor revealed that the new scheme had improved the terms and working conditions of ECDE teachers, adding that it will guide the employer on the implementation of the remuneration and terms of service of the teachers.

He further revealed that the Salaries and Remuneration Commission had approved the SoS prepared by the Council of Governors.

“The scheme has adequately addressed the welfare of 2,000 teachers. If well implemented, the teachers will be motivated to do better in their jobs and improve the education standards in the county.” He concluded.

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