County Government, university partner with well-wishers to curb fistula among women

By Norah Musega

Migori County Government has partnered with Safaricom and M-pesa foundations, Flying Doctors and Rongo University to curb fistula among women in the county and its environs.

This is according to Migori County Governor; Dr. Ochilo Ayacko, who noted that through the office of the first lady, the health department had begun conducting corrective surgeries for fistula patients at the Migori County Level Four Hospital.

“Fistula is an affliction affecting many women who in most cases suffer in silence and in isolation. So far we have 85 beneficiaries set to benefit from the ongoing program in the county,” said Ochilo.

He was speaking at his offices after holding a consultative meeting with the partners where he told the press that his government intends to offer quality and affordable health services as they continue to look for further interventions to cut down on cost of treatment in the local health facilities.

“We have had consultations with both Safaricom Foundation and health committee in charge of budgeting for health services to partner in making Migori County a fistula treatment center of the region and a place where surgeries can effectively be conducted,” added Ochilo.

He also noted that several doctors have volunteered to assist victims in the county regain their dignity as normal cost of treatment takes up to Ksh.300,000.

“We shall avail the services and partner with National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Linda Mama among other well-wishers to ensure delivery of young ones is not done without supervision and support of health practitioners and in health facilities,” he said.

Joe Ogutu, Safaricom Foundation Chairman during the press briefing at Migori County Governors’ office yesterday.

Safaricom Foundation Chairman, Joe Ogutu, on his side noted that the issue of fistula was critical, calling for right education for women from the time of conception so that they are well prepared for delivery.

He called on patients to take advantage of the opportunity at the Referral Hospital to correct their situation so that they can no longer suffer in silence.

“It is the first time we are bringing the programme to Migori County and it is important as more than 3,000 women are affected yearly across the nation. We wish to bring the numbers down and also to eradicate such issues among women,” said Ogutu adding that the number of surgeons able to do the fistula corrective surgery is growing and that he hopes fistula will be a thing of the past.

Martha Muriithi, Flying Doctors Society Trustee

Martha Wariithi, a trustee of the Flying Doctors Society applauded Migori Countys’ First Lady, Dr. Agnes Ochilo, for taking up the health initiative for the people and through her interventions and passion for Migori County residents as the project would help regain confidence and dignity of several women in the region.

Wariithi further noted that Flying Doctors Society have been working on the issue for the past 15 years and have been working in partnership with Safaricom and M-pesa foundations for seven years now, with the aim of ending the menace by 2030 in the country.

“We take care of our mothers for safe delivery.” She noted.

Migori County First Lady, Agnes Ochilo, and former Bungoma Countys’ First Lady Caroline Wangamati at Migori Referral Hospital during a visit to the treatment center.

Agnes Ochilo, the Countys’ First Lady on her side pleaded with women suffering from the disease to come out in numbers to benefit from the ongoing free corrective surgeries being done at the Migori County Referral Hospital.

She noted that some of the best doctors in the country with ability to effectively conduct the surgeries are at the facility thanking the partners for accepting her call for support to the women of Migori County.

She however noted that most of the fistula cases are connected to sexual and gender based violence as most of the cases currently being managed resulted from rape, violence and torture.


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