Constituency schools have so far received all Grade 6 books

By Erick Nyayiera

All 132 schools in Alego/Usonga constituency have received grade six books.

The books, including English, Maths, Kiswahili, Science and Technology, CRE,  Art, Craft and Music, were  collected by school head teachers. Agriculture, Physical Education, and Home science text books had already been received a week earlier.

The sub-county examination Officer Philip Ngoga said they were ready for Grade 6 learners.

“All the primary schools in the sub-count have received Grade 6 books. Infrastructure, books and teachers are ready as pupils will move to Grade 6 in April,” said Ngonga.

The delivery of the books confirms earlier insistence by Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha that grade six must kick off in April.

“The government is extremely serious about these classrooms so the global picture of having 5,400 of them ready by end of March is going to be realized ahead of time,” said Magoha.

Prof. Magoha urged the contractors building the CBC classes countrywide to speed up the work so that they beat the deadline.

“I want to challenge the schools to push for the constructions so as to pave way for opening. I would want to know where the second complete building is going to be. I hope it will not be in Nyanza region,” said Magoha.

He said by the end of March, the first phase will have been completed and that the same contractors will move to the second phase to be finished by the end of April.

According to the revised academic calendar, third term, which started on January 5, will end on March 4.

The 2023 academic year is scheduled to start on April 25 to run up to July 1 for first term.

This is the time the pioneer Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) learners currently in Grade 5 will move to the final year of primary education.

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