Concern over Upsurge of Beggars Living with Disabilities

By Ben Leshau

Authorities in Narok have raised a red flag over an influx of disabled beggars in the streets of the town.

It is believed that beggars are being ferried from neighboring country by some unscrupulous people who want to benefit from their act of begging.

Area county Commissioner has ordered the police to launch a crackdown on those flooding the streets with disabled beggars.

He has also suggested that the national government should deploy disability officers across the 47 counties to cater be coordinating issues pertaining the disabled.

Violet Sikawa,County Director in-charge of the persons with disabilities also echoed the county commissioner’s sentiments saying no native disabled person was begging in the streets.

” Every county has own persons with disabilities but it is sad that some people are out to tarnish our town’s image by ‘dumping’ disabled people.This should end and security should do it’s work,”said Ms Sikawa.

Ms Sikawa who is a former nominated MCA representing PwDs in the county said the county was doing all it can to protect the rights of the disabled in the county.

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