Concern as Nakuru County registers drastic drop in 2021 KCSE

By Peter Otuoro

Most secondary schools in Nakuru County have performs poorly in 2021 KCSE as the mean score dropped from 4.4 in 2020 to 3.8.

Nakuru County Director of Education Fred Osewe said the KCSE performance dropped in many schools, denying the county its target of  5.0 set for 2021 KCSE.

“It is unfortunate, but my education officers in all county levels, together with quality assurance officers, will visit all schools to ensure they identify the cause,” said Osewe.

Out of top 21 schools in the county, only seven improved while 19 dropped drastically.

Some of the schools which posted improved results include  Moi High School Kabarak, Anestar Boys, Lanet, St.Clare Girls, Moi Forces Lanet, Anestar Premier, Coulson Girls and Alumumin High School.

The  top schools in the county that recorded a reduced mean score are Anestar Boys, Bahati Girls, Mary Mount, Anestar Victory Girls, St. Gabrile Lanet, Anestar Victory Boys, Anestar Precious, Goshen Sacred Girls, Elburgon Secondary School, Goshen Boys, St.Yermo, Nakuru Girls, Nakuru Boys, Naivasha Girls, Langalanga Secondary School, Jomo Kenyatta Boys, Jomo Kenyatta Girls, Njoro Boys and Utumishi.

Moi High School Kabarak is a private school and was position one in the county. It improved from 9.6 in 2020 to 9.75 in 2021. From 349 candidates, 24 got A plain, 109 A, 86 B+, 67 B, 28 B-, 23 C+, 8 C and 4 C-.

Anestar Boys Lanet, also private, was position two with an improved mean score of 9.17, up from 8.9. It had 64 candidates who had 6 A-, 20 B+ and B plain, 15 B-, and 3 C+.

St. Clare Girls was the best girls school in the county, improving its mean score from 8.4 in 2020 to 8.90 in 2021. With 110 candidates, one scored A plain, 6 had A-, 25 got B+, 37 attained B 37, and 32 averaged B-. 8 got C+ as only one scored C.

Moi Forces Lanet,  a public school sponsored by the Kenya Defense Forces(KDF), was position seven though it improved its mean score from 7.9 in 2020 to 8.02, as 2 ‘A’s were recorded, 21 A-, 42 B+, 79 B, 63 B-, 65 C+, 49 C, 19 C- and 2 D+.

Alumumin High School, a public school, improved its mean score from 6.6 in 2020 to 6.87. It had a total candidature of 31 who got 1 B, 6 B-, 15 C+, 6 C and 3 C-.

The rest of the performances are as follows: Anestar Premier; from 6.6 to 6.8 – (A- 1, B+ 2, B 4, B- 9 ,C+ 11,C 18, C -7,  and D 2. The candidates numbered 54.

Coulson Girls; from  6.2 in 2020 to 6.54 (B+ 14 ,B 12, B- 18, C+ 20, C 28, C- 20, D+ 10, D 10,D 1,and D- 1). A total of 114 candidates sat the exam.

Nakuru Girls High School; from 8.9 in 2020 to 8.719 (A 1, A- 24, B+ 61, B 71 ,B- 58, C+ 38, C 13,C- 3, and D+ 1). 270 sat the exam.

Nakuru  High School; from  8.7 in 2020 to 8.59 (A 5,A- 30, B+ 69 ,B 74, B- 51,C+ 44, C 25, C- 9, D+ 2, D 1, and D-1). They had 311 candidates.

Utumishi Academy; from 8.5 in 2020 to 8.27 – ( A  4, A- 17,B+ 61 ,B 77,B- 68, C+ 57,C 36 ,C- 11, D+ 2 and D 1). The candidates were 334.

Bahati Girls; from 8.4 in 2020 to 7.96 (A- 10, B+ 30 ,B 47,B- 42,C+ 54,C 34, and C – 8). There were 225 candidates.

Anestar Boys Bahati; from  8.0 in 2020 to 7.71 – (A- 1 ,B+ 3, B 11 ,B- 19, C+ 15, C 8, and C- 2). There were 59 candidates.

Mary Mount; from 7.5 in 2020 to 7.37 – (A- 3, B+ 11, B 20, B- 28, C+ 37, C 28, C- 12 and D+ 3). It had 142 candidates.

Anestar Victory Girls; mean score 7.12 in 2021 (B+ 1,B 5, B- 13, C+ 15,C 16 and  C-2). 52 candidates sat the exam.

In other results, St. Gabriel Lanet dropped from 7.4 in 2020 to 6.96, having registered 55 candidates, while Goshen Sacred Girls with 30 candidates dropped from 7.9 in 2020 to 6.90.

276 candidates in Naivasha Girls dropped the mean score from 8.0 in 2020 to 6.87 as Elburgon relegated theirs from 7.7 to 6.84.

Langalanga Secondary School, with 293 candidates, dropped from 7.4 in 2020 to 6.83, while Jomo Kenyatta Boys had 401 candidates who dropped from 7.1 to 6.751.

Goshen Boys with 31 candidates fell drastically from 8.2 in 2020 to 6.74 as Jomo Kenyatta Girls cut theirs from 7.3 to 6.69. They had 270 candidates.

Njoro Boys, who had 216 candidates, were not excepted, ensuring their 7.4 in 2020 was sliced down to 6.63.

St.Yermo in Subukia Sub-county registered 47 candidates who brought down the school mean of 8.1 in 2020 to a paltry 6.53.

Registering his displeasure at the downward spiral with Education News in his office, Nakuru County Education Officer Fred Osewe told teachers and students to be serious and produce good results.

“We want schools to be more focused and improve our results at the end of this year. Despite the short 2022 academic year, we should increase the number of quality grades,” said Osewe.

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