Community centre trains Police officers on dealing with disabled children

By Obegi Malack

Police officers from Kajiado County have benefited from a five-day Child With Intellectual Disabilities workshop organized by Orione Community Training Centre in Kajiado in conjunction with the Embassy of Chile and the Strathmore Law Clinic.

The workshop brought together security officers who had a practical encounter with children with intellectual disability, interacted with them and held a birthday party with a disabled child.

The workshop was triggered by an incident in 2020 where a child living with autism was arrested in Kajiado for breaking the law.

The 16-year-old boy was locked up in a cell until later in the day when neighbors raised concern. Officers manning the station acknowledged that they did not know the boy had autism, neither could they recognize a person with the condition.

The officers who attended the workshop were drawn from the National Police Service (Kenya Police officers, Criminal Investigating Officers), Kenya Wildlife Service, Kajiado County Inspectorate and local community leaders

The five-day workshop was opened by Chilean ambassador to Kenya, Alejandra Guerra who said the government of Chile will continue supporting Kenya in empowering children living with disabilities.

“Chile not only fights for economic and political issues but also for social issues. We deal with problems people have. People with disabilities are citizens have same right that every human has,” she said.

She noted that rights of People Living With Disabilities (PLWDs) must be protected and be given tools to work better.

Isinya Deputy Officer Commanding Police Department (OCPD) Regina Mbithi said that the workshop was timely since police officers are met with such cases and most officers have little or no knowledge on how to handle PLWDs.

Strathmore Law Clinic faculty director Alfred Ndungu – after training the attendees on law on PLWDs – said they foster access to justice by supporting vulnerable people in ensuring they access justice.

He said people should appreciate and follow the law. He said PLWDs are suffering from discrimination which is against the law.

Assistant Secretary General of the Commonwealth Prof. Luis G. Franceschi said Kenya is performing better than many African countries in respecting women and children rights.

While calling on local communities to support PLWDs and also change their attitude against the police, he commended the media for highlighting issues on disabilities.

Orione Centre Director Father Alejandro Ruiz said that the centre is committed to ensuring that children with intellectual disabilities receive education and given equal opportunities like their colleagues.

“Orione is committed to ensuring that the rights, needs and aspirations of persons with disabilities are recognized and respected,” he said.

Ongata Rongai ward representative Titus Matheka said he will fight for the rights of PLWDs and ensure that children are supported to receive education.

Crusaders are still fighting inequalities between men, women and children with disabilities as cases of children being used as beggars remain rampant in many towns in the country.

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