Coast adult learners awarded scholarships to pursue education

By Tsozungu Kombe

Adult learners in the Coast region have received a boost by government scholarship programmes that have seen them go back to school as demand for literacy and knowledge rises.

In Taita Taveta, 25 adult education learners have been awarded scholarships by the four constituencies development funds in the county to enable them pursue education.

Speaking to Education News from Wundanyi town recently, Taita Taveta County Director of Adult Education Ms. Christine Nzige revealed that the beneficiaries were spread across the four sub-counties, with Taveta taking the lion’s share with 13. Five are from Wundanyi, 4 from Mwatate and 3 from Voi.

The County Director of Adult Education, however, observed that they still needed assistance as the funds were not adequate to fully finance their education, urging Non-Governmental Orgainisations ( NGOS ) operating in the  county, well-wishers, charitable organizations and even individuals to come to their aid.

At the same time, she asked parents in the county to enrol their children who dropped out of school in literacy centres to continue with their education and eventually sit their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

Her Kwale counterpart David Thengele revealed that five secondary adult education centres have been established.

Two of them are in Kinango Sub-county, and one each in Samburu, Lunga Lunga and Matuga sub-counties.

He urged adults in the county who completed their standard eight and could not join secondary school to enroll in the nearest secondary adult education centre.

Mr. Thengele asked parents in the county to take education of their children seriously by enrolling those who dropped out to continue with their education.

Meanwhile in Tana River, the best adult education learner who sat the 2021 KCSE as a private candidate scored B plain.

According to the new Tana River County Director of Adult Education Mr. Ronald Amuna, two candidates got D+, one had D plain, while six scored D-.

He urged parents in the county to enrol their children who dropped out of school in literacy centres in the region to continue with their education.

Lamenting that most literacy centres lacked essential learning facilities, he asked stakeholders to pull together to provide infrastructure even at the basic level.

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