Climate ambassador calls for afforestation campaigns in schools

climate schools

A climate ambassador in Machakos County is rooting for the planting of trees in schools and along unused road reserves to combat adverse effects of climate change.

Speaking after leading a tree-planting exercise on Saturday at Katheka Kayi Primary school in Matungulu sub-county, Silas Wameyo said he is in talks with the Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) for a trial project to plant trees along rural roads.

He said that tree-planting in schools is useful as it creates awareness among school children to take care of the environment now and in future.

Mr. Wameyo called on the Ministry of Education to introduce environment studies at primary school level and be made compulsory in all institutions of learning beginning with ECDE.

“It is important to teach children how to save trees while in schools because the worsening climate change conditions in our country can be reversed if we plant more trees,” he added.

Inspired by his grandmother Maryjane Silas, who grew many fruit trees at their rural home, Wameyo believes the vast unused road reserves in rural areas can be put to good use.

“I have noticed that there is a lot of unused barren road reserves in the country. I have had meetings with KERRA and will start a trial project. The trees can give shade to pedestrians and cyclists, wood for villagers and fruits,” he said.

He said planting will be done in conjunction with KERRA and local villagers who will play an essential role in protecting the trees.

His Silas Tree Planting Project has so far planted trees in Katheka Kai and Matuu Estate Primary schools among others.

Wameyo acknowledged that availability of water in the county is a challenge to tree growing and advised residents to harvest water during rainy season so as to use the water during the dry season.

Many plastic tanks for water harvesting have already been distributed through the County Woman Representative Ms. Joyce Kamene’s office but Wameyo says more are needed.

“Villagers and communities should also be encouraged to build dams so that surface water can be harvested. So much can be achieved with limited resources if we have the will,” he added.

By Gastone Musyoka

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