Classes disrupted in Kajiado after stray hyena attacks residents


Pupils of Ormetui village in Isinya, Kajiado North sub-county have been forced to skip school over fear of hyena attacks after three people were attacked and are currently nursing serious injuries.

Parens said that their children can no longer go to school alone because they fear for theirs and their children’s lives.

“Classes have also been disrupted because parents take their children to school at different times convenient to them. This makes it difficult to wait for every learner before starting lessons,” Jackson Ntusero, a teacher at Kikayaya Primary School, said.

According to one of the victims, a hyena sneaked into his neighbor’s sheep pen on Tuesday at around 10:00pm and attacked their sheep.

While trying to rescue the flock, he and the sheep owners were also attacked and seriously injured by the hyenas.

Farmers also said they were worried about their goats as some hyenas were often spotted in the area and called for the compensation of animals and property lost through wildlife attacks.

Residents have now appealed to the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) and county government to contain the situation before more lives are lost.

By Thuita Jaswant

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