Churches urged to guide children during holiday season

By Wambi Jonathan

Churches have been urged to form groups that will guide school children during this festive season.

Anglican Church of Kenya South Nyanza Diocese Archbishop Simon Onyango said there is need for churches to be at the forefront in safeguarding the children, mostly during this festive season as a way to deter them from involvement in immoral behavior such as drug abuse and unwanted pregnancies.

“We churches must be in the front line. We have to form groups that will teach good morals to our children. This is the only way to curb unwanted pregnancies and drug abuse,” he urged.

He added: “We need citizens with good moral values. Our children are our future generation that we must unite to safeguard”.

The Archbishop further urged parents to come out and take full responsibility of monitoring their children during this festive season.

Rongo sub county Children Officer Ms. Mercy Kemunto reiterated the sentiments adding that she had witnessed many children loitering in Rongo town up to late hours. She promised to take stern action to deal with irresponsible parents.

“I have witnessed in many occasions young children loitering around in town up to late hours and I want to be very categorical that I will take serious action against the irresponsible parents,” she warned.

She further urged parents to settle family wrangles which have been a major challenge in affecting children’s lives negatively.

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