Chuka Varsity expansion spurs community growth

By John Majau

The establishment and the almost unrivaled tremendous expansion of Chuka University has led to the mushrooming of a fast growing shopping centre which is located strategically along the Nairobi-Meru highway.
Before the university was set up in the area Ndagani shopping centre was a sleepy market with few people, shops and hotels being visible in the area.
But following the establishment of the institution of higher learning in the area Ndagani shopping centre has become the preferred destination of choice for both the learners and investors, who are evidently enjoying every moment spent at the college and its outskirts.
The ever growing teachers, staff workers and student population has inevitably occasioned the opportunities to invest in hostels.
The catering services have equally risen with many entrepreneurs and business moguls opting to put up amenities to cater for students.
This has led to the growth of little known Ndagani shopping center and the cost of purchasing land near the Chuka University land becoming extremely high.
Many residents who had acquired land or are ancestral inheritors of land in the area are reaping the fruits of the institution.
Infrastructural face of the area has changed from small outdated buildings with dusty roads to storey buildings.
However, plans by Chuka University Vice Chancellor Prof Erastus Njoka to construct Sh1 billion hostel to accommodate about 2,000 first year students has made housing investors targeting students to panic.
Njoka said there is no need for them to panic as the institution is expanding and will enrol more and more students.
Dennis Makori Head of Accommodation at Chuka University said in order to construct students’ houses some vital requirements must be met, noting that advice from the field experts must always be given priority.
According to Makori, architects are the best people to approach for help when thinking of investing in hostels.
“Many people have overlooked the importance of seeking advice and this has led to the mushrooming of sub-standard structures that not only look bad but pose danger to those who live in them,” said Makori.
Makori says that plans done by professionals will be approved quickly when presented to the Ministry of Planning.
“Any construction must have the plan approved by the Ministry of Planning and with plans done by professionals this will be a walk in the park,” noted Makori.
This is to ensure the building meets the required standards set by the Ministry.
Makori says the second most important thing is to do market research.
“Every investor should study the market and find out what works and what doesn’t. The best thing any investor can do is to learn from others who are already in the market,” Makori says.
In market research one will be able to find out the dos and don’ts and most importantly the customer demand.
“Students too need to have a say on where they are staying and getting their views will play a big part in making the hostels meet the required standards,” he said.
Makori says that market research will give students a variety of choices when settling for hostels.
The third thing is location of the hostel.
With advice from experts and market research the constructor must look at the location of the structure.
“The location is very important because if the place is far from the institution the safety of the student may be compromised. Also students might avoid the hostels because of the time they will spend accessing them,” said Makori.
He said that the hostel must be at an environmental friendly place in terms of pollution of environment.
“If one builds student hostels near a dumping site or an industry obviously the noise and the dirt will make the hostels unconducive,” Makori explains.
Any hostel constructed should be constructed at a spacious place for access and comfort.
Good ventilation and lighting will give the students a good environment for relaxing and even studying in their rooms.
“The investor should construct spacious houses at a spacious compound and well lit rooms to take the students, needs into consideration.
Availability of enough water will ensure that sanitation and hygiene are maintained.
Sanitation of every residential place is vital for survival and hostels are no exception.
Hostel builders should make sure the houses they construct enable good hygiene, sanitation, waste management and sewerage systems.
Makori says owners of hostels should employ staff to ensure hygiene and sanitation in hostels is top notch.
“Leaving students to clean the hostels both inside and out is a terrible idea. Students do not have the luxury of time to do that. Hygiene is definitely the responsibility of the owners,” he insists.
Makori says septic tanks should be provided.
For single rooms, there should be different sinks for cleaning utensils and clothes.
“With many diseases being spread from dirty places, separate sinks for laundry and dishes ensures the risk is minimized,” Makori notes.
“Better hostels with higher standards will stand the test of time considering the rate at which the world is developing,” he said.
Investors should consider building hostels with extra facilities like kitchenette and cafeterias and recreation facilities
“It has never been safe for students to cook in their rooms so cafeteria and kitchen are an awesome idea,” he said adding recreation facilities such as cable TV rooms, pool tables, swimming pools will also ensure your hostels sell like hot cakes and stay relevant.
“Long term investors should consider providing recreation facilities and even internet services,” he noted.
Students spend more time in school because of these facilities but if they were provided at the hostels they would spend more time there standard hostels have a positive impact on students,” he said.
“Good conditions will enable them concentrate with their studies, therefore, producing better grades, minimal accidents or sicknesses, cost reduction compared looking for services elsewhere. It also saves time and resources,” said Makori
Makori says the secret to success when investing in hostels is to have the students’ interest at heart.

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