Child rights abuse blamed on ignorance of school managers


Education stakeholders and international rights organizations have blamed the increased incidents of abuse of children’s rights to failure of school managements to familiarize themselves with laws protecting children.

Instructively, Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Ezekiel Machogu has in the past set out fresh guidelines to reinforce protection and safety of learners.

In his observation, corporal punishment remains prohibited and punishable under the penal code and by the ministry.

Additionally, he urged school heads to adhere to hygiene requirements while firmly insisting that all available water must be stored in the right way and tested for safety before consumption by learners.

A survey done by Education News in Embu County reveals that many school heads are not keen on school safety guidelines despite the fact that the guidelines are part of key school documents.

 Mental health expert A.W. Mbwayo argues that teachers may at times take for granted simple punishments or harsh  reprimands towards erring learners as normal, without understanding that they should instead play a custodial role for the children who look up to them as parents  outside home.

He wondered why public health officers have failed to do routine inspections of schools.

Save the Children Operations Director Ken Sisimwo said basic right to safety and learning needs to be safeguarded at all times.

He insisted that safe access to education is an inalienable right and should be protected by all stakeholders led by the government.

UNICEF postulates that safe access to education is a fundamental right of every child and should never be threatened, hence the need for all stakeholders to commit to working towards ensuring the well-being of learners.

By Robert Nyagah

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