Cervical cancer; Parents, teachers asked to sensitize school girls

By Enock Okong’o

Teachers and parents in Kisii County have been urged to sensitize school girls over the rising cases of cervical cancer within the Country and even beyond.

Kisii based human rights activist Lilian Marwa while speaking in Kisii said majority of the girls were gullible of   getting the disease and in turn suffer ignorantly without knowing what to do.

She asked heads of schools to make arrangements with nearby hospitals and health facilities to dispatch health professionals to frequently share with the girls about the deadly ailment.

She said her group has been going from school to school to highlight the causes and effects of the disease but she expressed dismay by some heads of institutions who could not allow them into their schools for unknown reasons.

Marwa cited persistent blood spots, prolonged and unusual bleeding after menstrual periods and abnormal prolonged mucus-like discharge from the female private parts as some of the symptoms one should not ignore.

She asked both primary and secondary school girls not to shy from visiting health facilities for checkup.

“Majority of our females are not aware that this disease can be cured if discovered while still in its early stages,” she said.

She asked the Ministry of education in conjunction with that of health to introduce routine checkup system in learning institutions in order to help cure and/or manage the disease.

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