Centre managers asked to shut out all distractions to do a good job

From left: Makueni CDE Charles Nyakundi, Makueni SCDE during the opening of container at county commissioners compound. Photo by Lydia Ngoolo.

Makueni County Director of Education (CDE) Charles Nyakundi has encouraged centre managers to play their role by shutting out all distractions to be able to deliver on their mandate.

He asked them to fully concentrate on the job at hand.

“Enjoy your work and deliver. Do not be stressed by things which don’t matter for now. Let’s focus for the benefit of the candidates,” Nyakundi said.

There are 30,149 candidates in the county, with15,059 being girls and 15,090 are boys. The county has 420 examination centres.

At the same time, TSC director Grace Mwangi called upon centre managers to take their work seriously. She reminded them that no cheating will be allowed in this year’s examinations.

Makueni Sub-county Director of Education (SCDE) Yophes Magara told the centre managers to keep time and follow the KNEC guidelines.

Makueni County Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Joel Mwangala told new principals who are taking part in the exercise for the first time to be keen as he expects them to deliver accordingly.

“There is nothing to fear. Let’s work as a team since we have one common bigger goal,” Mwangala said.

In other news, two candidates gave birth in Nzaui Sub-county. They are both doing exams in different health facilities.

In Mbooni West, another candidate gave birth and is doing her exams in Mbooni Sub-county Hospital, while Kathonzweni Sub-county has a candidate writing her exams at Makueni Referral Hospital after giving birth.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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