TSC awards Cardinal Otunga Principal on World Teachers Day

Chief Principal of Cardinal Otunga High School Mosocho, Albert Otara Ombiro.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has rewarded Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School Chief Principal Albert Otara Ombiro with an Award of Excellence.

“You have been identified as an awardee during the World Teachers Day celebration to be held on 5th at the Kenya School of Government Nairobi,” read part of the letter signed by Kisii County Deputy TSC Director J.K.Muge.

Speaking to Education News in Kisii town, Ombiro who had just finished addressing the County’s Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) briefing ahead of this year’s exam period could not hide his joy.

He said it was a great honour for him and the entire school because they both worked hard to reach the level they are in.

“I am sure this award is an attribution to the sterling performance in last year’s national examinations where all our boys attained direct university entry grades,” he said.

The elated principal expressed respect to his two Deputies, Ayiera and Mbaka and Senior teacher Mrs. Gesare, whom he said have been great pillars and a great support system.

Born 50 years ago, Ombiro went to Kiru Primary where he qualified to join Itierio High School and was elected the Games Captain during both ‘O’ and ‘A’ Levels.

He later went to Moi University where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Education.

Ombiro was posted to Rigoma High School in Nyamira County and St. Teresiah Nyangusu Girls before being elevated to Deputy Principal at Moteiribe Mixed Secondary School.

Upon successful training in sports, he was promoted to Principal status at St. Peters Keberesi where he promoted standard athletics and established an academy at the school.

TSC promoted him to Chief Principal five years ago and was transferred to St. Paul’s Gekano Boys before being transferred to Cardinal Otunga Mosocho High School in the same capacity.

The soft-spoken but strict disciplinarian is known for his zeal to better his students’ lives.

Apart from his passion for teaching, Ombiro loves sports and taking care of the environment.

A year ago, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) identified him as a Champion of the Environment for both Kisii and Nyamira counties.

NEMA also identified his current school as a Centre of Excellence towards Climate Change and Waste Management.

By Enock Okong’o

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