Candidate gave birth hours to sitting her KCPE in Isiolo

By John Majau

A 15-year old KCPE candidate from Epejeni Primary School in Isiolo County was forced to sit all her exams at Isiolo General Hospital after giving birth to a baby boy hours to the examinations.

Speaking while visiting the candidate in hospital during the examination period, Basic Education Chief Administrative Secretary Mumina Bonaya encouraged the girl to do the examinations with confidence and assured her of her support throughout the period.

The CAS promised to do shopping of basic item for her as a way of encouraging her.

Ms. Bonaya ensured that the supervisors and invigilators created a conducive environment for her to carry on with her exams peacefully.

Elsewhere, within the same county, a somber mood engulfed Wabera Primary School when exams kicked off as a candidate, Boniface Murithi lost his life after falling off and being crashed by lorry.

CAS Momina said she was saddened seeing his desk empty in front of the classroom where he used to sit.

“We are sad that the candidate left us and we have been reminded this by his desk remaining empty during the exam. We encourage the candidates to continue with their exams. So far everything is going on well,” Momina said.

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