Busia KNUT officials win big in County appointments

By Charles Ouma

Three teachers two of who are officials of the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) have been proposed to hold various County Executive Committee Members (CECM) positions by Busia County Governor Dr. Paul Otuoma.

KNUT Teso branch Chairperson and Executive Secretary Paul Olung’a Ikwenye and Fidel Olakachuna Omuse were proposed by the Governor for Sports, Culture and Social Services; and Trade, Industry, Investment and Co-operatives respectively, while Peter Odima was proposed for Lands, Housing and Urban Development.

KNUT Busia County Chairperson Justin Majale hailed the Governor for the decision saying it is a show of confidence he has in teachers.

“We are very happy as teachers for the nomination of our colleagues by the Governor to serve in his government in senior positions. As teachers, we shall continue standing with you and support you so that you take our county to the next level,” said Majale.

However, Busia County Deputy Governor Hon. Arthur Odera has called on the teachers nominated to the county government to serve with diligence and help the county government achieve its goals and objectives; urging teachers from the County to strive in improving education standards.

“My appeal to the teachers we have chosen to serve in the county government as CECMs, use that opportunity to help us move this county to another level. I know you have enormous experience and which I believe will help us in developing the county,” said the Deputy Governor.

He added: “Every time I hear teachers talking in functions like funerals, they only talk about salary increments and their welfare issues yet our education standards as a county are very low. It’s high time we also focus on the quality of our education and I believe if we come together, we can improve education standards in this county.”

The names of the CECM nominees have already been forwarded to the county assembly selection committee, which is expected to start the vetting process soon before the names are taken back to the governor for official appointment if the committee will not reject them.

If they are approved then KNUT Teso branch will have to hold elections to replace the two officials probably during its branch General Meeting (AGM) between November and December this year 2022.

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