Bungoma reviews ECDE Act 2015 to address emerging issues in education system

A section of ECDE stakeholders from Bungoma County. Photos by Achola  Bulimo Mathews.

Bungoma County Department of Education has reviewed the Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) Act 2015 to fit in the current changing trends in the Education system.

Bungoma County Education Director Eunice Imbwenya, in her address to the press over the weekend said the sector is undergoing transitions noting it is the reason why they have reviewed the Act to current trends in the sector.

The drafting exercise is sponsored by the Save the children under Breadth of Skills project, Civil society organizations and Bungoma County Children Rights Network (BCCRN).

John Mukenya, Breadth of Skills Project Coordinator.

The director notes that apart from reviewing the ECDE Act 2015, they have also drafted other policy frameworks aimed at helping in monitoring and improving Education delivery in Bungoma.

The drafted policies include the pre-primary county government of Bungoma 2024, health and nutrition policy 2024 and vocational training centre policy.


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“After having lengthy scrutiny with the legal team from Bungoma assembly, CSOs and other education stakeholders we have identified existing loopholes and gaps that are there in the ECDE Act 2015 while looking at the current trend in the Education sector as stipulated in the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform,” she said.

She added,” We are grateful for this far, if we are going to move in this direction we are going to have legal frameworks that we will inform advocacy for funds, support and allocation of funds from the exchequer to facilitate devolved functions.”

Eunice Imbwenya Director of Education Department Bungoma County Government.

John Mukenya, Breadth of Skills project coordinator, applauded the Save the Children organization for supporting Bungoma draft policies and reviewing the ECDE Act of 2025.

“Bungoma ECDE Act 2015 has got a lot of loopholes that were not speaking to the 21st century learner,” Mukenya added.

He further cited admission to ECDE at 3 years which has been changed to 4 years according to the CBC curriculum as one of the gaps that have been identified in the Act that need to be faced out.

Achola  Bulimo Mathews

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