Brilliant student appeals for aid to join university

By Ongondi Nyakundi

A student from Nyamira County who scored A- (minus) has to date not joined the university he was admitted to due to financial challenges.

Thomas Nyangoto from Nyansabakwa village in West Mugirango Constituency who did his KCSE examination from Agore Sare High School in Homa Bay County is yet to join Mount Kenya University to pursue a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing course.

In efforts to raise the school fees, Nyangoto has now resorted to moving from one village to village to do menial jobs.

Speaking to The Education news in one of the village where he was picking tea, he said that his attempts to contact West Mugirango Constituency Development Fund office (CDF) in a bid to raise the money were not yielding.

Nyangoto who comes from a poor background and being a partial orphan is appealing to well-wishers to come to his recue so that he can realize his dream of becoming a medic.

“I am asking for assistance from anyone to help me join the university and after my schooling, I will refund the money with interest” he told this writer amidst tears falling his cheeks.

His mother, Selina Nyangoto said that she was totally unable to raise money for meals, let alone the school fees.

“Even affording a daily meal in my house is a big problem and nightmare since the only land which I have only fits my two houses” she stated.

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