Boy, 14, fakes kidnapping to con money for new clothes


By John Majau

Fueled by his desire for money and decent clothes, Form Three student left
residents of Tharaka Nithi County reeling in shock and disbelief as he fakes
abduction to claim ransom from his relatives.

Last Tuesday as he went back to school, he plotted to fake kidnapping on
arrival in Nkubu town. He claimed that criminals were holding him inside
Mount Kenya Forest and were demanding sh. 20,000 to release him.

It is reported that the teenager chose a quiet spot and called his brother
informing him that two bodaboda riders were holding him hostage inside a
forest and were demanding a ransom to release him, or else they would kill

The shocked brother reported the matter to Tunyai Police Post where the
County Criminal Investigation Officer Betty Chepngeno was immediately
informed and a probe launched instantly.

Speaking to Journalists, Ms. Chepngeno said she suspected that the boy
was playing foul. She sent sh.1,500 through his brother’s line. The boy
immediately transferred the money to his M-Shwari account and withdrew
Sh. 1,4 000. It is reported that he used the money to buy a pair of jeans.
“We were able to locate the boy after he withdrew Sh1,400 from an M-Pesa
agent,” said the officer.

She said the boy explained that he spent the first night in lodging and paid

He sought accommodation from unknown people the second and third
night and spent the fourth night in a house under construction.
The officers in consultation with the Meru School Principal, his parents and
Equity Bank and agreed to take him back to school.

The officer said that on interrogation, the remorseful boy revealed how he
planned to stage-manage the kidnapping and what pushed him into the

“I have agreed with the boy that my office will buy him all the clothes and
shoes that he wanted to buy so that he can look good as his friends and
concentrate on his education,” the officer said.
However, she warned youth against such crimes and urged parents and
teachers to make children understand the financial ability of their families.

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