BoMs must be guided by law in dispensing duty, says KEMI

Teachers keenly follow proceedings during the capacity building training.

Boards of Management (BoMs) of schools have been challenged to perform their duties within the confines of the Supreme Law of Kenya and Education Act, Peris Kiprono, a Kenya Education Management Institute (KEMI) official, has said.

Speaking at Bulimbo Primary School in Matungu Sub-county in Kakamega County during a three-day capacity-building training for junior school committees, Kiprono underscored the importance of strictly adhering to the legal and policy frameworks that guide the management of education institutions.

She urged BoMs to acquaint themselves with the Constitution of Kenya 2010, particularly Article 10, which talks about national values and principles of governance, and Article 53(1)(b) which gives every child the right to free and compulsory education.

To avoid being caught on the wrong side of the law, Kiprono suggested that they further familiarize themselves with the Basic Education Act of 2013, Public Financial Management Act of 2012, Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act of 2015, Public Audit Act of 2015, and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Act of 2012.

“Always consult and refer to what the Constitution of Kenya 2010 and relevant Acts of Parliament say before doing something,” she cautioned.

Other laws that she expected them to internalize are the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) Act of 2020 and the Public Health Act of 2020 to avoid unnecessary litigations.

She was accompanied by her colleague Abraham Wachira, who addressed matters of corporate governance in junior schools and child-friendly schools.

He urged committees to ensure that the safety and protection of the learner is of utmost priority in schools.

By Aggrey Buchunju

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