Bomet ECDE teachers to down tools over delayed salaries

A section of ECDE teachers from Bomet during a meeting.

Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers in Bomet have threatened to down their tools on Monday over delayed salaries.

Led by Richard Chebusit, they lamented that some of them have not received salaries since January last year.

Speaking while addressing the press, Chebusit noted that the delay has rendered them unable to provide for their families.

“We don’t understand why the county government has not paid us. This has made us unable to meet our families’ needs,” he noted.

Chebusit noted that retired teachers have also been affected as they have not received their retirement packages.

He said that some teachers have fallen into depression after guarantors seized their belongings over failing to service their loans.

“Guarantors are on our necks. Teachers are confused and some are already in depression. We are asking Governor Hillary Barchok to intervene. Teachers in other counties have better terms but here in Bomet we are suffering a lot,” he said.

By Evans Langat

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