Bodies of missing children retrieved in dam


Two bodies of a two-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy were recovered from Mwatate dam on Thursday morning, hours after an extensive search and rescue operation after the two drowned.

A multi-agency operation to recover the bodies was launched on Sunday night under the leadership of Mwatate Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Margaret Mwaniki after a heavily pregnant mother and her three children were swept away from their home by floods on Sunday night leaving the area resident in in shock and anxiety.

Mwaniki confirmed that all the bodies of the missing family have been recovered after a three day search and the bodies of the deceased have been taken to Moi County Referral Hospital mortuary in Voi.

“The exercise is now complete and we are now handing over the bodies to the family to prepare for burial,” she said.

Most parts across the country are experiencing heavy rainfall and the people living near rivers or areas prone to flooding are asked to be cautious during such a time.

By Vostine Ratemo

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