Boda boda riders urged to enrol in Vocational Training Centres

By Malachi Motano

Boda boda operators in Trans Nzoia County have been urged to look for hands on skills as an alternative source of livelihood.

Speaking at Misemwa in Namanjalala during a sensitization meeting ,Boda Boda  Chair Kwanza Sub County David Ayeka said with the entry of taxis in the transport sector, the boda boda business is now facing stiff competition and those in it have nothing to smile about because of minimal if not depleted earnings.

He said taxis have cut deeply into their income and now the business venture is no longer profitable as most customers opt to for taxis instead of boda bodas leaving them with no choice but to just bask in the sun and at the end of the day take nothing home.

“We are in trouble; we can no longer depend on this business to provide for our families especially paying school fees. We need a change of plan to survive.” Mr. Ayeka said.

Moreover, he has attributed congestion by boda boda operators in the business as another contributing factor affecting the income.

He said most school drop outs and those who have completed their studies and have no jobs are finding solace in the venture hence flooding it and thus scrambling for the dwindling customers and proceeds.

It is with this that the operators drawn from Kapomboi  ward met with the area leadership led by Member of the County Assembly Bernard Wanjala alias Mlipuko to chat the way forward with the option of some of them taking up vocational training courses to equip them with skills in different courses.

According to Wanjala, this is the substitute income earner that will help the operators push through tough times and relieve the sector off the ballooning numbers paving way for the remaining few to go about their business with ease and boost their proceeds.

“Today I have sat with the boda boda leadership in my area to listen to their concerns and try to come up with remedies and we have agreed that a good section of them should divert to other economic activities.” Mlipuko said.

The county legislature asked the county government to invest much in vocational training institutions in order to attract a large number of youths and also give bursaries to boda boda operators willing to join.

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