Boards to manage public primary school houses

By Azael Masese

Management of houses within public primary schools in Nairobi County will be transferred to the institution’s respective Boards of Management (BOMs), appointed by the Ministry of Education.
Nairobi County Government has been managing the properties that include rent collection but there is an agreement that the National Government becomes the new custodian.
Nairobi Regional Co-ordinator of Education John Ololtua said the process has kicked off and might be complete by end of this year.
“We have discussed with the County Government and have agreed that they be transferred to the schools’ BOMs” Ololtua told Education News in his office. He stated that the respective BOMs are in charge of other properties and marks a new chapter in the management of the properties under devolution.
The County Government took charge from the Nairobi City Council (NCC) which was instrumental in developing their infrastructure.
Teachers working in the schools will be given the first priority while letting is an exercise that is projected to boost the schools’ revenue streams.
A number of these houses go for less than the prevailing marketing rates and once the transfer is complete, teachers who wish to stay will apply to the secretary, BOM.
Nairobi TSC County Director Bernard Kimachas regretted that in some instances, not even a single teacher stays within a school compound yet they have to account for lost items.
“The houses are there and cheaper but in most cases they are occupied by other civil servants and will encourage teachers to live in these houses in the future once the transfer is complete,” he said.
However, guidance on rates to be charged will be done by a department of housing, either at the national or county level.
“Once no teacher wishes to stay within the school, the management will then let the houses to either National Government employees or County Government staff,” Ololtua stated.
Management of public primary schools in Nairobi reverted to the National Government except Early Childhood and Development and Education (ECDE) and village polytechnics.
However, Public Secondary Schools, national polytechnics, teacher training colleges will not be affected as they have been under the National Government and have BOMs in place to manage them.
“This is an income-generating activity to the schools but must be done systematically and will ensure that it is accounted for,” he noted.
The successful negotiation for the transfer of the assets, Ololtua noted, marks good working relationship between the National and the County Government for the success of education in the region.
He said given the uniqueness of cities, they have formed a consultative forum to look at education from a wider perspective.
The forum brings together the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), Nairobi County CEC Member in charge of Education and the County Commissioner
“Nairobi County government is playing a very critical role in managing education in the region especially on ensuring proper sewerage system,” he noted.

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