Blow to Sub-County Directors as TSC rules out automatic promotions

By Peter Otuoro

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) Director of Human Resource Management and Development Dr. Julius Olayo has said that the commission will only promote hard working Sub County Directors (SCD).

Speaking during  a five day workshop of Sub County Directors at ARC Hall in Egerton University, Olayo said that only SCDs who will continue working hard in their day-to-day duties will be considered for  promotions.

“Promotions will depend on someone’s performance, not academic papers. SCDs are employed to serve the commission diligently in order to improve the education standards in over 300 sub counties in Kenya and as the engine of the commission, it is your responsibility to perform that mandate,” he told the SDCs.

Dr. Olayo confirmed that challenges are there in all state departments and that challenges aren’t  excuses not to deliver service to the society.

He told the SCDs that the commission is aware of the problems they are facing in their work stations and efforts are being made to address them.

“We are aware of all the challenges you are experiencing from shortage of airtime, lack of office equipment to facilitate your duties to promotions among other things. We are in the process of addressing them one by one, but we request you to continue providing quality service to the commission,” he said.

He urged the SCDs not to lose hope but to continue offering their services so that they can boost education standards in their sub counties.

“Let us cooperate and work hard to improve the education standards in our respective sub counties to enable our teachers to enjoy the  teaching profession and our learners get quality education and perform well in their examinations,” he commented.

TSC Directorate of Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD) has four divisions. The first division deals with pension matters, another deal with the secretariat and the remaining two deal with HRM Development which include performance appraisal of teachers and IPPD.

HRM Department has 434 staffs who are mandated to provide various services to the commission and 340,000 teachers who are teaching in various education institutions.

Dr.Olayo added that key policies and services provided by HRMD include appointment and recruitment of teachers, promotions, payroll management, management of exit from teachers’ service, performance management appraisal, training and development of teachers and management of the teachers’ leaves.

Other services offered include: online entry and exit from teachers’ onboarding, decentralization of pension and death gravity claim process, automated leave, automated appraisal process, common cadre promotion and carrier progression guidelines.

According to data analysis, 77.7 percent of teachers have compliance in term of appraisal.

Dr.Olayo advised all teachers to ensure they only submit their documents to the commission through the online platform.

“Our teachers should know that all commission services are offered digitally through online process in our website and we want to completely discourage papers work or manual casualties.” He concluded.

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