Bars near schools in Mbeere South closed to protect children

Mbeti South Chief Ronald Njue Njeru addresses residents at Kiamuringa Trading Centre. Photo by Robert Nyagah

The government has successfully closed bars near schools in Mbeti South Location in Embu County to ensure education is not disrupted.

Mbeti South Location Chief Ronald Njue Njeru said due diligence was carried out during the inspection and vetting of the bars and clubs, some which were too close to residential areas and school.

The bars in such areas, it had emerged affected learners at school and at home sometimes affecting their social and mental safety hence the decision by the government to close them by denying them licenses.

Addressing a chief Baraza at the Kiamuringa Trading Centre, the chief warned those whose clubs near the schools had been closed against reopening as they risked facing arrest and hefty fines once found guilty by the courts.

Parents, guardians and the general public, the chief insisted had the responsibility to educate their children by ensuring that they were enrolled in schools.

Children also, Njeru said should have their mental status monitored by parents and guardians as neglecting could have negative effects.


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The administrator suggested that in case issues arose about children mental wellness expert guidance could be sought from counsellors before the children are referred to health facilities.

Njeru expressed concern over what he termed as growing incidents of indiscipline among young learners even in Early Childhood Development Education centres which was a shame to parents.

Parents, guardians and the community in general, the chief warned, “You have to take care of your young children and monitor their discipline, social wellbeing and education. I have received complaints from some village leaders over children in ECDE classes becoming undisciplined and even falling into truancy that should not happen among young children” said the Chief.

Meanwhile, the Chief told those who had their dams done by the government under the NG CDF, to fence the dams because their continued non fencing meant they could be charged for exposing people to danger of falling into the dams and drowning.

‘’The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) signed an agreement with the owners of the dams that they should fence them and it was made clear that failure to fence the same could be taken as an offence against their owners,” warned the chief.

Residents of various parts of Mbeere South haven been demanding the fencing of the dams where some deaths through drowning have been reported in the recent past especially in the wake of very heavy rains recently.

Nicholas Njeru, a village elder from Kiamuringa called on the government to enforce the dams fencing laws because some young school children walk too close to the filled dams.

By Robert Nyagah

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