Baringo teachers elect woman to KNUT branch top brass

By Alfred Kimosop

Teachers drawn from Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Baringo Branch have unanimously elected Elizabeth Komen to replace outgoing Assistant Executive Secretary John Aengwo .
The seat became vacant after election of Aengwo to represent the people of Saimo Kipsaraman as the Member of County Assembly.
In the hotly contested by-election Philiph Boswony was elected the new BEC Marigat following promotion of Peter Olepelian as Curriculum Support Officer Mogoswok Zone-Marigat Sub County.
The branch treasurer Elizabeth Keitany lauded teachers for promoting gender by entrusting women to take big roles in the union.
“Women have been trusted almost in all quarters because of their diligence and dedicated spirit to work. We laud you for affirming this trend which will soon go along way in achieving gender parity ,’’ said a jovial Mrs. Komen.

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