Baringo County KNUT branch elects a new Women rep


Nancy Johnstone alias Winnie is the new Baringo County branch of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Women representative.

Nancy secured the lead in a hotly contested election in which she garnered 200 hundred votes against her rival who garnered less than a hundred votes in the peaceful elections held during Baringo Branch Annual General Meeting in Kabarnet town.

Mrs. Nancy Johnstone takes over the highly coveted seat from Esther Cheptumo who recently retired from the teaching profession.

The new Women’s Representative vowed to champion teachers’ rights in the new position bestowed to her by members of the union.

The branch Executive Secretary Bishop Joshua Cheptarus and Chairman Silas Rutto hailed the tremendous achievement of the union in articulating teachers’ issues nationally.

During the Annual General Meeting (AGM) presided over by Deputy Secretary General Hesborn Otieno, BBF Hearse was launched.

By Alfred Kimosop

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