Back against Women Rep. for use of “Saint” in school name

By John Majau

 Meru woman rep Kawira Mwangaza has caused a heated online debate after naming her new school St Mwangaza Schools.

It is the addition of the abbreviation St that generated exchanges after critics said she was equating herself to a Saint.

The new school is based in her newly constructed storey building next to her local family Television Station known as Baite TV.

In her recent Facebook post Mwangaza who is also a Bishop at Baite Family Fellowship (BFF), a church owned by her family, revealed that the school is enrolling form one and two students.

Mwangaza said the school would benefit bright needy children and orphans.

“Never again in Meru County will the needy best kids cry for a good school,” read part of the FB post from Mwangaza.

She also revealed that the school would offer extra lessons such in music, computer studies and video production.

Larger number of Facebook users, however, felt that the name ‘Saint’ was erroneously used.

Most of the users took to social media to criticize her alleging she was calling herself as a Saint.

Andrew Ratanya Mukaria a Facebook user lauded the MP for coming up with a new school to assist the needy but questioned use of the name ‘saint’.

“Great endeavor, but St? Does not make sense,” Mukaria said.

Phinoo Tosh a fan too demanded that she erases the word Saint from the school name.

Dear Mama County, congratulations for the wonderful step but If you removed the name ‘Saint ‘ to just read BISHOP MWANGAZA SCHOOLS, it would be more beautiful, excellent and meaningful. Remain focused,” said Lilian Murea, a Facebook user too.

“When did you die, canonized and became Saint Mama County. Choose the name of your project without exaggeration,” said Geoffrey Gitonga Joffa.

Despite this some of the fans of the woman Rep defended her use of the word Saint.

“For those negative people always there to judge, this is what Saint means learn to use your dictionary,” Dorie Kendi Kesh defended the woman Rep.

Bekamu a Facebook user called on the Meru MP to keep on the good work despite the critics.

“Wanaomjudge (those judging) Madam Kawira are you mini-gods or who gave you the authority to judge? Keep thriving Hon. Bishop Kawira. God is with you,” Penzi O Bekamu said.

According to Cambridge Dictionary the word saint means ‘a person who has received an official honor from the Christian, especially the Roman Catholic, Church for having lived in a good and holy way’ or ‘a holy person, especially one who has been officially honored with this title by a Christian church’. 

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