Awendo MP launches water project for schools

By Norah Musega

Awendo sub county residents and Migori County at large have been called upon to embrace and take good care of projects being initiated in their areas by various organisations for their own benefit.

Area MP Walter Owino who said it is disheartening to see the numerous projects being initiated by various organisations being destroyed by few disgruntled individuals, a matter that has contributed to the suffering of the local people.

While speaking at Ogwamrondo secondary school in Central Sakwa ward Awendo sub county when he went to launch the a water project that was drilled through the CDF kitty at a cost of Sh5.4 million. He urged residents not to politicize projects if they want to enhance their livelihoods.

“My office has been able to initiate several projects in schools and their surroundings within the sub county and this is to ensure that learners save more time for studies other than walking for several kilometres in search of water,” said Owino.

He urged students to spend more time in their studies over the holiday to avoid being involved in illegal activities and encouraged parents to stay close and pay keen attention to the needs of their children to help reduce early pregnancy cases that come about through peer influence.

“The water projects are meant to mainly support the students but also to serve the locals within the surroundings of the learning institutions.So far we have done similar projects at Anindo secondary, Owiro Akoko girls, Siruti technical among others. The projects are funded by the NG-CDF Awendo at a similar cost for every project.” he added.

Walter said his office has also done other projects which include electricity installation within the rural areas which is still ongoing adding that  so far over 200 households and nearby learning facilities which do not have electricity shall be connected.

“Most learners experience eye problems due to straining during their studies especially in their homes since they do not have electricity. CBC programmess by the government will also be possible to accomplish in most of the schools around following the connections,” noted the MP.

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