Attack of Ward Administrator’s home in Machakos over bursary condemned

Area MCA Peter Kilonzo leads goons in a demonstrations that ended in the vandalism of Ward Administrator's home.

The attack and vandalism of a Ward Administrator’s home in Mwala Sub-county by goons led by area MCA in a tussle over mandate to issue bursaries has been roundly condemned by leaders in Machakos.

Sarah Mueni Nthumbi’s home, Mbiuni/Kathama Ward Administrator, was stoned and vandalized but quick action from the police saved the house from further damage.

The crowd carrying twigs was preparing to set the house on fire when they were dispersed.

Nthumbi had earlier escaped and fled to hide in a nearby church after learning about the impending attack. She said the attack was a protest by area MCA who felt it was his place to issue bursary cheques.

“I was called in the morning and alerted that some people were coming to attack my home. I ran into a nearby church and while there, the MCA led a group of people to my home where they broke the windows and closed the gate,” she narrated.

Nthumbi said she had been instructed by the governor to ensure the cheques reached schools during a recent public participation forum, which the MCA did not attend.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti holds a school fees dummy cheque. A tussle over who should distribute these cheques ended in vandalism of a Ward Administrator’s house in Mwala Sub-county.

Her superior Anastasia Mutuku, the sub-county administrator, revealed that MCAs who attended the public participation forums last week were given cheques to distribute to residents, while Ward administrators were entrusted with the cheques if the MCAs were not present.

Mutuku called on the national government to ensure those who had threatened and attacked the home of the Ward Administrator were brought to book, saying it was wrong to attack anyone who was doing their job as instructed.

Chief of Staff of the county Lawrence Ngovi visited the home to assess the damage and condemned the attack, assuring the victim that the government will pursue justice on her behalf.

Thanking the police for their prompt action, Ngovi said the attack was unwarranted as the bursary cheques were under the administration of the county government.

Each of the 40 Wards has received Ksh3 million bursaries from the county government in the 2023/2024 financial year.

By Stephen Muthini

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