Asumbi Girls High School takes lead in maths contest

By John Ochieng

Asumbi National School managed to produce top students at the mathematics contest held at their school and involved a total number of 1282 participants.
The school emerged the overall best with a mean score 33. 1. It was followed closely by Kanga High that attained a mean standard score of 32.5 with St Joseph Rapogi Boys becoming position three.
Maranda High school was fourth with 31.3. Ringa Boys closed the top five slots with a mean score of 23. 3.
The overall best award went to Asumbi Girls wheras Kanga was second best and St Joseph Rapogi was the third best.
Asumbi was equally awarded the best girl school trophy.
Nyalkinyi secondary school took the award of the best mixed school.
The following students performed exemplary well at the contest, Rachael Ngocho of Asumbi Girls was the overall best followed by Were Denish of Kanga High.
Ashley Akinyi took third position while Mugoma Okomba of Asumbi and St Joseph Rapogi Boys were third and forth respectively.
Other best performers included Zadock Okoth of Kanga, Winnie Lwanga –Asumbi. Mosabi Hassan of St Joseph Rapogi, Menya Stanley Kaga (Kanga), Hanningtone Kahawa( Kanga), Silas Agwaya (Rapogi), Jefferson Otieno (Rapogi) and Loice Achieng of Asumbi Girls closed the top ten slots.
The contest coordinator Kennedy Kennedy said the contest is done regularly to prepare learners for the national examinations.
He said such contests, which 144 schools participated, create exposure to learners as they get an opportunity to interact and exchange ideas out of their schools.
The contest was sponsored by Kenyatta University, Moran Publishers, and Oxford publishers.

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