Another Varsity student leader says life in danger

By John Majau

A few days after Meru University of Science and Technology student leader was gunned down by police, chairman Wangila Wabomba has claimed his life is in danger.
Wangila, gone into hiding claiming he has received death threats from unknown sources after the Secretary General, Evans Njoroge alias Kidero was killed in cold blood by a police.
Calling on the government to provide protection and security, Wangila said he has lost trust on police in the area following the shooting and killing of his colleague.
“My life is in danger and I am afraid I may be killed anytime if the government does not intervene and provide security for me,” he spoke from unknown location.
According to students’ sources, his colleagues were forced to shield and quickly evacuate the chairman from the protesting area shortly after Njoroge was killed.

“We got wind that the killer police officer started looking for the chairman after killing the secretary and that is when we had to take him to safety, “said a student.

Eye witnesses recounted how the police officer who seemed to be on a mission pursued Njoroge two kilometers from the campus main gate into a neighbouring potato plantation and shot him twice on the head as he was trying to shield himself under a tree.
The slain student was running away from the police who were dispersing the protesting student using tear gas when he met his untimely death as the owner of the farm and his wife watched the officer open fire in disbelief.
However, Moi University students leaders have condemned the recent killing of Meru University students Secretary General, Evans Njoroge.
Speaking to Education News recently the leaders led by Moi University Students’ union chairman, Isaac Choge and Secretary General, Moses Tisa they said the act was barbaric and uncalled for.
Njoroge was allegedly pursued and killed by the anti-riot police officers as he led other students in protesting against the institutions’ move to reopen without addressing their grievances over increased fees.

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