Alliance Girls students receive Valentine’s Day flowers, cake

Alliance Girls students show off their flowers. Photo Courtesy

As the world celebrated Valentine’s Day, Alliance Girls High School was not left behind in the festivities.

The school was abuzz with happiness as students and teachers alike received flowers and cake to celebrate.

For the 7th consecutive year, the school has kept up with the annual ritual where parents contribute funds to show appreciation to their children.

In a Facebook post, lawyer Wahome Thuku shared that this year, 2,383 girls at the institution received flowers and chocolates. The event was hosted by the school’s Form 3 parents.

The girls kicked off their Valentine’s day at 6 am with speeches and music during their parade session. Each class had a cake bought from Valentine Cake House.

“You should see how jovial they get. Starts at 6 am with speeches and music, then cutting cakes in their respective classes and by 8 am, the girls are in normal class sessions,” he wrote.

The staff, both teaching and non-teaching, from the Kiambu-based school also actively participated in making the day a great success.

The school, known for its strict academic standards, allows the event to proceed as a breather, providing students with an opportunity to loosen up from the tightly structured daily routine.

By Our Reporter

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