Alarm greets learning resumption as floods disrupt schools in Kisumu

Fredrick Odiero


The  Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in Kisumu has expressed concerns over disruptions of learning caused by floods that have hit several schools in the region.

The executive secretary for Kisumu East David Obuon said it was unfortunate that some of their schools may not operate optimally due to drastic weather changes, resulting in severe flash floods.

Obuon said the already congested school timelines will be jammed, especially in institutions which are on the plains of Kano in Nyando Constituency.

He listed schools such as Ogenya, Kasangany, Korwana, Kandaria, Odienya and Nyamrundu as facing high risk of interrupted learning.

He observed that teachers were greatly demotivated given the hardships they were facing, yet the government had continually dragged its feet on gazetting the area as a hardship zone.

“Kisumu East Sub-county schools like Bungu, Obino, Anywang and Nyaimbo were not spared either,” added Obuon.

He urged the county government to facilitate the channeling of streams and rivers to avert the perennial menace.

The Unionist said the most worrying was the hurting silence answering the cry of schools in Nyalenda A Ward of Kisumu East Constituency where River Auji has devastated St. Mark Nyabera and Kasagam Primary schools.

He pleaded with Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabir to act with speed as classes in those schools have been abandoned.

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